If you employ a script-driven application on your website and all the content that you create is saved in a database, your website hosting plan needs to come with enough database storage, so as to ensure that even when the website expands, you will not have any difficulties because of the shortage of space. PostgreSQL is a great example of a well-liked database administration system that is used with numerous scalable web apps and in case you're looking for improved performance and reliability for your website, it is likely that you'll take advantage of this system. That being said, you need a hosting package that will not bound your online presence, particularly if you need to run multiple sites and each of them functions with PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Shared Website Hosting

All our shared website hosting were made with the idea to provide you with the chance to select the most appropriate features based on the type of sites you want to host. If you do not need PostgreSQL databases, for example, you can choose a package that does not feature this system by default. Should you change your opinion later or if you want PostgreSQL from the beginning, you can always select one of the packages that feature PostgreSQL support. The plans feature sufficient storage for your databases, so even when your sites get bigger, you won't encounter any problems, since some plans come even with unlimited space. For the entry-level plans, the PostgreSQL storage can be upgraded with a couple of clicks in the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.